12 Angry Men (1957)
13 Conversations About One Thing (2001)
32 Short Films About Glenn Gould (1993)
The 39 Steps (1935)
The Accused (1988)
Adaptation (2002)
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994)
After Dark, My Sweet (1990)
Albino Alligator
Alice, Sweet Alice (1976)
All About Eve (1950)
All Over Me
Alphaville (1965)
Amelie (2001)
American Beauty (1999)
American Buffalo (1996)
American History X (1998)
American Movie: The Making of Northwestern (1999)
Amores Perros (2000)
An American Werewolf in London (1981)
An Angel at My Table (1990)
Anaconda (1997)
And the Band Played On (1993)
Antonia's Line (1996)
The Apartment (1960)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Arizona Dream (1993)
Army of Darkness (1993)
Babe (1995)
Baby Face (1933)
The Baby of Macon (1993)
Badlands (1973)
Baraka (1992)
Barbarella (1968)
Bartleby (2001)
Basic Instinct (1992)
Beautiful People (1999)
Being John Malkovich (1999)
Belle De Jour (1967)
Berkeley in the Sixties (1990)
Best Years of our Lives The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
Betty Blue (1986)
Beware My Lovely (1952)
Bhaji on the Beach
The Big Clock (1948)
The Big Kahuna (2000)
The Big Sleep (1946)
Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
The Birds (1963)
Blade Runner (1982)
The Blue Dahlia (1946)
The Blue Gardenia (1953)
Blue Velvet (1986)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
Bob Roberts (1992)
Bonnie & Clyde (1967)
Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
Bound (1996)
Boyz in the Hood Brazil (1985)
Breaking the Waves (1996)
Brewster McCloud
The Bribe (1949)
The Bridge Over the River Kwai (1957)
Buffalo '66
A Bug's Life (1998)
Burnt by the Sun
Burnt Money (2000)
But I'm a Cheerleader (1999)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
The Butcher Boy (1997)
Cactus (1986)
Call Northside 777 (1948)
Casablanca (1942)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
The Celebration (1998)
The Cement Garden
Central Station
Chariots of Fire (1981)
Chattahoochee (1989)
The Children's Hour (1961)
A Christmas Story (1983)
Chuck & Buck (2000)
Chungking Express (1994)
Citizen Ruth
The City of Lost Children
Clash by Night (1952)
Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Cold Dog Soup (1990)
The Commitments (1991)
Conflict (1945)
Congo (1995)
The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover (1989)
Cool Hand Luke (1967)
Cosi (1996)
Cradle Will Rock (1999)
Crime of Passion (1957)
Criss Cross (1949)
The Crossing (1990)
The Crow (1994)
Crush (1992)
The Crying Game
Cube (1997)
Cujo (1983)
The Damned Don't Cry (1950)
Dangerous (1935)
Dangerous Liaisons
The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys (2002)
Dark Passage (1947)
The Dark Past (1948)
Dark Victory (1939)
Darkman (1990)
Das Boot (1981)
Days of Heaven (1978)
Dead Calm (1989)
Dead Man Dead Presidents (1995)
Deadline at Dawn (1947)
Death and the Maiden (1994)
Death to Smoochy (2002)
The Decline of Western Civilization (1981)
The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years
Deep Blue Sea (1999)
The Deep End (2001)
Delicatessen (1991)
Detour (1945)
Die! Die! My Darling! (1965)
The Dinner Game
Disco Pigs (2001)
Disturbing Behavior (1998)
Doctor Zhivago (1965)
Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
Dogma (1999)
Donnie Brasco (1997)
The Doors (1991)
Double Happiness (1994)
Double Indemnity (1944)
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Dreaming of Joseph Lees (1999)
Drowning by Numbers (1988)
The Drowning Pool (1975)
Dude, Where's My Car? (2001)
Dune (1984)
Eating Raoul (1982)
Ed Wood (1994)
Educating Rita
Eight Men Out (1988)
El Crimen del Padre Amaro (2002)
English Patient
Erin Brockovich (2000)
Escape From New York (1981)
Event Horizon (1997)
The Evil Dead (1982)
Evil Dead 2 (1987)
The Exorcist (1973)
Exotica (1994)
Eyes of Laura Mars
Fahrenheit 451
Fallen Angels (1995)
Far From Heaven (2002)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
Felicia's Journey (1999)
Female Perversions
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Fight Club (1999)
The Fisher King
The Five Senses (1999)
Flirting (1991)
Footloose (1984)
Frankie Starlight (1995)
Freeway (1996)
Frida (2002)
Friday the 13th (1980)
The Fringe Dwellers (1986)
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Gates of Heaven (1978)
The General (1998)
Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai
Gia (1998)
Gilda (1946)
Girl, Interrupted (1999)
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
The Godfather
The Godfather Pt II
Gods and Monsters (1998)
Golden Boy (193
The Good Girl
Goonies (1985)
Gosford Park (2001)
The Graduate (1967)
The Grifters (1990)
Halloween (1978)
The Hanging Garden (1997)
Happiness (1998)
Happy Together (1997)
Hard Eight (1996)
Harold and Maude (1971)
Hearts & Minds (1974)
Heat (1995)
Heathers (1989)
Heaven (2002)
Heavenly Creatures (1994)
The Heiress (1949)
Henry and June (1990)
High Fidelity (2000)
High Sierra (1941)
His Girl Friday (1940)
His Kind of Woman (1951)
Hoop Dreams (1994)
The House of Yes (1997)
Household Saints
Human Traffic (1999)
Hush... Hush Sweet Charlotte (1964)
I am a Fugitive From a Chaingang (1932)
I Shot Andy Warhol (1996)
I Spit on Your Grave (1978)
The Ice Storm (1997)
Igby Goes Down (2002)
Illicit (1931)
In a Lonely Place (1950)
In the Company of Men (1997)
In the Mood For Love (2000)
Indochine (1992)
The Insider (1999)
Instrument (1998)
Intacto (2001)
The Interview (1998)
Intimate Relations (1996)
Jesus of Montreal (1989)
Johnny Got His Gun (1971)
Ju Dou (1990)
Key Largo (1948)
Kids (1995)
The Killers (1946)
Killer's Kiss (1955)
The Killing (1956)
The Killing of Sister George (1968)
A Kiss Before Dying (1956)
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park (1978)
Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985)
Kiss or Kill (1997)
Kissed (1996)
Kissing Jessica Stein (2001)
Klute (1971)
Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out of Balance (1983)
The Krays (1990)
L' Enfer (1994)
L.A. Confidential (1997)
La Femme Nikita (1990)
The Lady Eve (1941)
The Lair of the White Worm (1988)
The Laramie Project (2002)
Last Night (1998)
Last of the High Kings (1996)
The Last Seduction (1994)
Laura (1944)
Lawn Dogs
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Le Boucher (1969)
Las Vegas
Legally Blonde (2001)
Live Nude Girls, Unite! (2000)
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Lolita (1962)
Lone Star
The Long Hot Summer (1958)
Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977)
Looking For Richard (1996)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
The Lost Weekend (1945)
Love and Human Remains (1993)
Ma Vie en Rose Mad Max (1979)
The Madness of King George (1994)
The Maltese Falcon (1941)
Man Bites Dog (1992)
The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
McCabe and Mrs. Miller (1971)
Meet John Doe (1941)
Memento (2001)
Microcosmos (1996)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Mildred Pierce (1945)
Miller's Crossing
Mommie Dearest (1981)
Monsoon Wedding (2001)
Monster's Inc (2001)
Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Mrs. Brown (1997)
Mrs. Dalloway
Muriel's Wedding (1994)
My Left Foot (1989)
My Own Private Idaho
Naked Kiss (1964)
The Nasty Girl (1990)
Network (1976)
Niagara Niagara
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Nil By Mouth (1997)
North by Northwest (1959)
Of Human Bondage (1934)
Office Killer (1997
Office Space
Old Yeller (1957)
Oleanna (1994)
On the Waterfront (1954)
Once Were Warriors (1994)
Ordinary People (1980)
The Panic in Needle Park (1971)
The Parallax View (1974)
Passion Fish
Patton (1970)
Pecker (1998)
Permanent Midnight (1998)
The Petrified Forest (1936)
The Pianist (2002)
The Piano (1993)
Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)
Pipe Dream (2002)
Pitch Black (2000)
The Player (1992)
Plunkett & Macleane (1999)
Pollock (2000)
The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946)
Powaqqatsi: Life in Transformation (1988)
The Price of Milk (2000)
Prick Up Your Ears (1987)
The Princess and the Warrior (2000)
The Princess Bride (1987)
The Professional (1994)
Proof (1991)
Psycho (1960)
Psycho Beach Party (2000)
Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
The Quiet Room (1996)
Quiz Show (1994)
Raging Bull (1980)
Raising Arizona (1987)
Ravenous (1999)
Read My Lips (2001)
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
Red Sorghum (1987)
Reefer Madness (1936)
The Reflecting Skin (1990)
Repulsion (1965)
Requiem for a Dream (2000)
Reversal of Fortune (1990)
Revolution OS (2001)
The Ring (2002)
Ringu (1998)
Rock N Roll High School (1979)
Rock Star (2001)
Roger and Me (1989)
Romeo is Bleeding (1993)
Romper Stomper (1992)
Rope (1948)
The Royal Tennenbaums (2001)
Ruby in Paradise
Run Lola Run (1999)
Rushmore (1998)
Salt of the Earth (1954)
Scanners (1981)
Serial Mom (1994)
Serpico (1973)
Seven (1995)
Seven Years in Tibet (1997)
The Seventh Seal (1957)
Sexy Beast (2000)
Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
Shall We Dance
Shallow Grave
Shame (1987)
Shine (1996)
The Shining
Shirley Valentine
Shock Corridor (1963)
Shower (1999)
Shrek (2001)
Sid & Nancy (1986)
Simple Men
The Sixth Sense (1999)
Slacker (1991)
Sleepers (1996)
Sliding Doors
Soft Fruit (1999)
The Spanish Prisoner
Spiral Staircase (1946)
Splendor in the Grass (1961)
Stand and Deliver (1987)
Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures (2001)
The Stationmaster's Wife (1977)
The Stepford Wives (1975)
Strange Days (1995)
The Strange Love of Martha
Ivers (1946)
Strangers on a Train (1951)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Strictly Ballroom (1992)
Stroszek (1977)
Suddenly Last Summer (1959)
Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Suture (1993)
The Sweet Hereafter (1997)
Sweetie (1989)
The Swimmer (1968)
Swimming With Sharks (1994)
Swoon (1992)
Taxi Driver (1976)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
The Thin Red Line (1998)
This is Spinal Tap (1984)
Time Bandits (1981)
To Kill a Mockingbird
To Live
Toy Story (1995)
Transporter (2002)
Troll (1986)
Twice Upon A Yesterday (1998)
Twin Falls Idaho (1999)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988)
The Unsuspected (1947)
Until the End of the World
The Usual Suspects (1995)
The Vanishing (1988)
Vernon, Florida (1981)
Village of the Damned (1960)
Vincent & Theo (1990)
The Virgin Spring (1960)
Wag the Dog
Waiting for Guffman (1996)
Waking Ned Divine (1998)
War Zone (1997)
Welcome to the Doll House (1995)
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)
Whatever Happened to Aunt Alice? (1969)
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
Wild Strawberries (1957)
The Woman Chaser (1999)
XXX (2002)
Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001)
The Year My Voice Broke (1987)
The Young Poisoner's Handbook (1995)
Your Friends & Neighbors (1998)
A Zed and Two Noughts (1985)
Zoolander (2001)
Zorba the Greek (1964)
Zus & Zo (2001)