Categories this film falls into:
Feel Good
Foreign - England
Just a Damn Fine Film
beautiful people (1999)
A comic collision of chaos and coincidence.

Jasmin Dizdar
Jasmin Dizdar
Barry Ackroyd
Charlotte Coleman
Charles Kay
Rosalind Ayres
Roger Sloman
Julian Firth
Heather Tobias
Danny Nussbaum
Siobhan Redmond
Gilbert Martin
Steve Sweeney
Linda Bassett
Nicholas Farrell
Faruk Pruti
Dado Jehan
Edin Dzandzanovic
Walentine McGaughey
Radoslav Youroukov
Nicholas McGaughey
My friend Ed and I wanted to get together and see a movie - neither
of us were excited about anything that was at the theaters at that time.
A friend of his suggested we should see Beautiful People. I hadn't heard
anything about it, so I agreed - then I read a review of it that said
it was about Bosnian refugees living in London. I thought to myself,
I don't want to see a depressing war movie.
But I went anyway and was completely blown away by the warmth, humor
and human-ness of this film. This is one of those films that makes you
glad you are alive and living in the world - people can be kind if you
just give them a chance.
The interweaving
of plots. Sometimes this can be a very dangerous thing to do. If you
have too many storylines going on at the same time, you risk losing
the audience. Not so with this movie. The characters' lives are all
intertwined and the switching from character line to character line
really works without making you go, 'now who is that again?'
The use of humor.
I was laughing more than I was crying in this film. And it wasn't this
big guffaw laughing like at a one-liner from some comedy - the humor
in this film is a little more delicate, a little more generous toward
the characters - you're laughing with them more than at them. To write
something like that takes talent.
The use of music.
The tenderness.
Not many films leave you with the feeling that the world really can
be a nice place to live. Jasmin Dizdar's screenplay and filming is very
sympathetic to her
characters. Underneath, they're basically "good" people and
once they get past ignorance and intolerance and realize people are
people are people - it's fantastic.
The two guys
who are always fighting. You would think that after the first scene
this would get old, but it doesn't. Or at least, it didn't to me
Pero. Edin Dzandzanovic
is wonderful. I love the joy he finds in life - unabashedly going after
what he wants.
Dr. Mouldy. Nicholas
Farrell does a fantastic job. He is one of my favorite characters in
the film.
The nurse who
takes care of the 2 guys who fight all the time and the Welsh firebomber.
Her way of settling the men down by pointing out that they both wear
the same size shoe. This is really ingenious. Fantastic.
The opening
scene on the bus - our introduction to the two fighters. If you've ever
been on public transportation in London, you'll love this scene. Everyone
sitting so quietly, pretending not to notice anyone else, and then these
two guys start fighting. It's priceless. The music when the chase starts
is wonderful.
Portia's family's
breakfast. Reading the paper. Mom, Dad, Brother.
Dr. Mouldy trying
to get his twins ready for school - eating breakfast, getting dressed,
the pillow fight.
Griffin's family
in the morning. His Mom coming up to his room to get him to sign the
Our introduction
to Pero. He's so happy. The coffeeshop scene is just heartbreaking.
The chase that ensues with Pero, the woman, the police woman and the
coffeeshop woman.
Jerry Higgin's
daughter watching the nature program in the morning.
Griffin's Mom
decorating the cake and listening to the radio soap opera - and crying.
It's fabulous.
Dzemila dragging
Dr. Mouldy to the room to talk to him about "no baby." She
keeps pulling on his sleeve and won't stop. He's so preoccupied about
his wife leaving that he is sort of oblivious. It takes a little while
for him to realize what she wants.
way that Ismet explains to Dr. Mouldy why they can't have the baby.
The film of Dzemila dancing in her wedding dress.
Griffin falling
with foodstuffs in Bosnia. I was laughing out loud here. This is the
most far-fetched of the things that happens in this film, but that's
ok - it really is funny.
Griffin's Mom
finding heroin in his room and calling in her husband. The two of them
trying to figure out what all the stuff is for is priceless.
The leg amputation
in Bosnia. Griffin coming to the rescue.
Griffin's parents
seeing him on TV. The looks on their faces - there is nothing like it.
It's such a great moment.
Dzemila and Ismet
in the cab ride to Dr. Mouldy's house. Driving from run-down to nice
neighborhoods. Their faces as they watch everything go by. Wonderful.
Pero's introduction
to Portia's family: hostility, toilet, piano, exotic. This is one of
the best, and yet one of the most excruciating, scenes of the movie.
Griffin's Mom
accidentally sniffing the heroin. The music during this scene is fabulous.
She is hilarious.
Again, an example
of the tenderness of this film - Griffin and the little Bosnian boy
at the pub and at the hospital.
The wedding.
Pero's speech. The uncomfortable reception by the party-goers.
Ismet's birthday
celebration. The dancing. The music. Wonderful
The card game
in the hospital - nurse and her wards.
The end credits
shown against the backdrop of Dzemila's wedding day dancing. This so
beautiful. So beautiful.
This is London
Transport. We don't behave like that in this country. - bus driver
Do you want a
sausage roll, sweetheart? - Felicity Midge
Don't ask me
love. I'm not a bloody philosopher, am I? - coffee shop woman
You can't eat
and talk at the same time. You can suffocate. - Portia
Where's my mummy?
- Tim and Tom
Griffin's behavior
is beyond rational explanation. It's not environmental obviously and
it's not genetic. We have humane civilised genes on both sides. He the
... the what? - Roger Midge
War, what war?
- Griffin
Do you know what's
extraordinary? You both have exactly the same size feet. Isn't that
extraordinary? - nurse
Her father's
gone mad. - Tim or Tom
Thank you very
much for your hostility. - Pero
Pero, I am personally
very much against ethnic cleansing. - Portia's brother
You are here
to heal. So start healing. - nurse
Leg stays. Bosnia
goes. - Jerry Higgins
If life works
out just a tiny bit in your favor, it can be beautiful, just beautiful.
- Dr. Mouldy