fight club (1999)
Official tagline: Mischief. Mayhem. Soap.
David Fincher
Chuck Palahniuk (novel)
Jim Uhls
Jeff Cronenweth
Edward Norton
Brad Pitt
Meat Loaf
Helena Bonham Carter
Jared Leto
Here I feel I must concede to the official tagline. It rocks, so I'm
not going to mess with it. I think I was one of the lucky people
who got to watch this film without knowing what the twist
was. I am very happy about that. It seems like there have been a lot
of movies with twists these days - and they have all managed to keep
my interest while doing so.
I think that both Brad Pitt and Edward Norton did a fantastic job.
Brad Pitt is at his best when he plays people who are a little "off".
I like Norton's rants about things - especially the IKEA nesting instinct.
If you've been to IKEA, you understand. The dialogue is fantastic and
fast-paced. What can I say - the movie was a lot better than I thought
it would be!

Bob. I love
Bob. Meat Loaf is fantastic. The character is just wonderful.
Being addicted
to support groups.
"I am Jack's
... " various body parts.
Edward Norton.
Brad Pitt.
The film splicing.

Being a "slave to the IKEA nesting instinct."
Trip to the
doctor about insomnia.
The close-up
of Marla exhaling smoke slowly.
Single serving
The "Can I stay
with you?" discussion.
The haiku poems.
Getting the
fat from the hospital.
with boss about Fight Club Rules being left on the copier.
The guys trying
to pick fights - priest, water hose, guy on bike. This is hilarious.
Fight "with"
his boss. I love this scene. 
The homework
Human sacrifice.
Police commissioner
in the bathroom.
The modern art/coffee
shop destruction. I love the filming of this - what a fantastic idea.
The fight in
the garage about the bomb in the van.
The final scene.
I know this
because Tyler knows this. - Narrator

What kind of dining set defines me as a person? - Narrator
When people
think you're dying, man, they really really listen to you instead of
just ... - Narrator
-Instead of just waiting for their turn to speak? - Marla
You met me at
a very strange time in my life. - Narrator
People are always
asking me if I know Tyler Durden. - Narrator
You can swallow
a pint of blood before you get sick. - Narrator
Tyler isn't
here. Tyler went away. Tyler's gone. - Narrator