cradle will rock (1999)
A story about dangerous ideas in the 1930s.

Tim Robbins
Tim Robbins
Jean-Yves Escoffier
Hank Azaria
Jack Black
Ruben Blades
Joan Cusack
John Cusack
Cary Elwes
Philip Baker Hall
Cherry Jones
Angus MacFadyen
Bill Murray
Vanessa Redgrave
Susan Sarandon
John Turturro
Emily Watson
When I went to see this film, I thought it would be great. I mean,
Tim Robbins wrote and directed it. Susan Sarandon, Bill Murray, John
and Joan were going to be in it. I had no idea how fabulous it would
end up being.
Maybe it's because I'm a history buff and I've spent some time learning
about the WPA projects in the 1930s, etc., but this story is fantastic
it brings to life a past that we should all remember. And by saying
that, I don't mean to imply that it's heavy material - but it does have
a point. It's a movie about dangerous words and ideas.
Bill Murray
as the vaudeville ventriloquist. He is amazing.
Joan Cusack.
Usually her roles are very small and you like her - this role is a departure
from that and I love it.
Hank Azaria
writing his musical - all the different "influences" at work on him.

Cherry Jones.
She is fantastic as Hallie Flanagan - director of the theater project.
The glass stage.
Vanessa Redgrave.
Diego Rivera's
The performance
of the play. This is marvelous - when it finally happens, it's magical.
panning continuous shot from level with Olive to rising above her and
then into Marc's apartment - very fluid, very beautiful.
"Now who's the
dummy?" scene with the 2 apprentices trying to learn not to move their
lips. I love Jack Black.
Hazel and Tommy
doing the mock testimony.
Discussion of
the review of Revolt of the Beavers.
Hazel in the
wardrobe - confession of feelings.
Hallie testifying
about communism in t he
theater arts project.
Hazel returning
to work after testifying. Everyone turning their backs.
Tommy's last
performance. Wow.
The puppet funeral
and procession down the street.
This is about
communism, not immoral procreation. - Hazel
They don't shoot
the big fat beaver; they just kick him out of beaverland. - Hallie

My theater has been seized by Cossacks. I need to speak with her immediately!
- Houseman
We're not red,
darling - pink, like a flower. We're homosexuals, not communists. -
You are quoting
from this Marlow - is he a Communist? - Rep. J Starnes