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the big kahuna (1999)
A movie about character.

This is easily one of the best films I've seen in the theaters this
year. Roger Rueff's writing is excellent. The chemistry between Spacey,
DeVito and Facinelli works because it seems real - Spacey and DeVito
are veterans and Facinelli is a relative newcomer. It fits. They fit.
The movie works.
I was amazed at the character building that was taking place on the
screen. With each movement, sigh, and word uttered, you get to know
the characters inside and out. Or do you? To create characters who have
complexity is something I have always admired. Anyone can create a burned
out salesman, a depressed middle-aged man or a young missionary - but
to create them with multiple layers - that takes talent on both the
part of the writer and the actor. Everyone involved in this film was
up to the challenge.
Kevin Spacey.
The quick dialogue of this play is perfect for this man. He takes it
and runs.
Danny DeVito.
It's a rare pleasure to have him in a serious role - soak it up for
all it's worth.
Peter Facinelli.
The young actor is breaking free of those "teen movie" roles - not that
they are bad things, but he's a great actor and he needs to be challenged
That the convention
takes place in Omaha.
The fireplace
complete with fake logs and fire.
Larry sitting
on the food cart. I don't know why I enjoy that so muc h,
but I do.
The fantasy
scenes: Bob as bartender, Larry as the Big Kahuna complete with headdress
and worshippers, Phil on the balcony.
on the TV.
The song at
the end (Baz Luhrman's "Everybody's Free"). Yes, I know there was a
big stink about this song and who actually wrote the words when it was
going around as an e-mail, but it fits so well with the heart of this
film. Just let the credits roll and listen.
Larry's discussion
of women in business suits - and Bob's reaction involving Jesus - Larry
saying that obviously Jesus never saw a woman in a business suit.
Confronting liars.
Finding out what
the switch is for by the fireplace.
The bathroom
discussion - mirrors, the ancient Egyptians.
The coat rack.
Larry's ranting
about Fuller not coming.
Discussion of
life and death between Phil and Larry.
Discussion of
love between Phil and Larry
Phil imparting
knowledge to Bob after Larry leaves. I got chills when I saw this part.
Danny DeVito is excellent in this film.
The last phone
call. Perfect.
The world is
full of clocks, Bob. Clocks and mirrors. It's a damn conspiracy. - Phil
That was a very
clever answer, Bob. - Phil 
You as a person
don't really matter, Bob. It's what you represent. - Larry
There are people
in this world, Bob, who look very official while they are doing what
they are doing. And do you know why? - Larry
- Why? - Bob
Because they don't know what they are doing. Because if you know what
you are doing, then you don't have to look like you know what you are
doing, because it comes naturally.
That's why there's
hope, Bob, because there's people like me who listen. - Larry
Well I'll be
a son-of-a-bitch. I don't smoke. You don't drink. And Bob here wouldn't
think about lusting after a woman. Between the three of us, we're practically
Jesus. - Larry
Oh, I think
you're missing the point here, Bob. We're about to throw you off a cliff
and see if you can fly. -
It just looked
like a lot of people, Bob, cuz the room's so damn small. - Larry
It was a lead-in,
Bob? - Larry
Most people,
y'know, don't go around looking for opportunities to strike up conversations
with total strangers about, y'know, life and death and religion. - Larry
No, it wasn't.
I was always hoping we'd end in a kind of murder-suicide thing. - Larry
Strange things
happen. - Phil
-No they don't. Not unless they're printed first in USA Today. If Jesus
comes again, he's gotta give them two days notice - time to work up
one of them little graphs. - Larry
How could I
not love you? You have good hygiene. You're a snappy dresser. You don't
talk with your mouth full. What's not to love about that? - Larry

Did you mention, perhaps, what line of industrial lubricants Jesus would
have endorsed? - Larry
Because it's
very important to me that people hear about Jesus. - Bob
That means that
you preaching Jesus is no different than Larry, or anybody else, preaching
lubricants. It doesn't matter whether you're selling Jesus or Buddha,
or Civil Rights or How to make money in real estate with no money down.
That doesn't make you a human being. It makes you a marketing rep. -
If you want
to talk to somebody honestly, as a human being, ask him about his kids,
find out what his dreams are - just to find out - for no other reason.
Because as soon as you lay your hands on a conversation, to steer it,
it's not a conversation anymore - it's a pitch - and you're not a human
being. You're a marketing rep. -Phil
We were talking
before about character. You were asking me about character. We were
speaking of faces. But the question is much deeper than that. The question
is Do you have any character at all? And, if you want my honest opinion,
Bob, you do not. For the simple reason that you don't regret anything
yet. - Phil
-You're saying I won't have any character unless I do something that
I regr et?
- Bob
No, Bob. I'm saying you've already done plenty of things to regret -
you just don't know what they are. It's when you discover them - when
you see the folly in something you've done and you wish that you had
it to do over, but you know you can't because it's too late. So, you
pick that thing up and you carry it with you to remind you that life
goes on. The world will spin without you. You really don't matter in
the end. Then you will attain character because honesty will reach out
from inside and tattoo itself all across your face. Until that day,
however, you can't expect to go beyond a certain point. - Phil