Categories this film falls into:
Just a Damn Fine Film
l.a. confidential (1997)
Three cops, a Veronica Lake look-a-like, and a murder
scene that doesn't add up.

It all boils down to the murder at the Nite Owl Cafe. Who killed Dick
Stensland and the others that were there that night? Why? The search
for answers to these questions is the starting point for the film. And
it only gets more complicated.
I never get tired of watching this film. The main reason? The acting.
Every single person in this film gives an amazing performance. The second
reason? It's a great story - very well planned and executed. All the
characters grow and change as the movie progresses without it being
extremely obvious that they are doing so. Very cool.
Kevin Spacey.
Once again, he brings depth and personality to a character that could
essentially be one-dimensional.
Russell Crowe.
He's great in this film as Officer Bud White - the cop who has this
thing about men who abuse women.
Danny DeVito.
Fabulous role for him as the editor of Hush Hush magazine.
Guy Pearce. Great
performance as Lieutenant Detective Ed Exley.
Kim Basinger.
Fabulous. She won the Oscar for a good reason.
The costumes.
They are incredible - as are the cars, houses, hair styles, etc.
Bud pulling
the Santa off the roof and then going after the wife beater - great
intro to his character. He cuffs the guy to the railing and then gets
the money from the guy's wallet, gives it to his wife - makes sure she
has some place to go. As she's walking away, he lifts the string of
lights for her to go under - just the little touch that helps you to
understand him.
Captain Smith
questioning Exley about what he will and
will not do. Granted, you know this is going to resurface later in the
film as soon as you see it, but that's ok.
Movie premeire
pot bust. This is hilarious. Vincennes walking in and saying "Freeze.
Police" with no conviction behind it at all. Fabulous. Walking
out into the floodlights and the cameras. Very cool.
Second meeting
between Bud and Lynn. The chemistry is fantastic right off the bat.
She tries to get him to be more familiar by saying "It's Lynn"
but he continues "Miss Bracken". And then Lynn says "You
say fuck a lot" and Bud retorts "You fuck for money".
I love this scene.
Exley's interrogation
of the three suspects in the Nite Owl Cafe. This is really cool. His
manipulation of the first guy is fantastic.
Vincennes crisis
of conscience in the bar. This is where the magic of Kevin Spacey shines.
You can tell it all on his face. (Plus, the visual of the liquor being
poured behind the $50 bill is cool, too.)
Exley talking
to Vincennes about the Nite Owl killin gs
and why they became cops. Once again, Spacey shines. He is amazing.
Lana Turner.
I love this scene. I love Vincennes' face in the car after they leave
as he breaks into laughter.
Vincennes visit
to Smith. SPOILER.
Bud looking at
the photos of Exley and Lynn in the rain. It's a terrific scene visually
- with him backing up, the rain on the photos, dropping the photos onto
the ground. Very cool.
Bud confronting
Exley about Lynn - the look on Exley's face when he sees the photo that
Bud has.
Bud and Exley's
visit to the District Attorney. Very good rendition of Good Cop/Bad
Shoot out at
the Victory Motel. This scene has "film noir" stamped all
over it - the light streaming in through the blinds and bullet holes.
Lots of shadows. Very cool. SPOILER.
Exley smiling
in the interrogation room at the end. This is perfect.
Edmond, you're
a political animal. You have the eye for human weakness, but not the
stomach. - Dudley Smith
At least get
rid of the glasses. I can't think of a single man in the bureau who
wears them. - Smith
But it's nice
to know you care. - Lynn Bracken
Hey White, you'd
better put a leash on your partner before he kills someone. - Jack Vincennes
He's very serious.
- Vincennes
I'm just the
guy they bring in to scare the other guys shitless. - Bud White
She is Lana Turner.
- Vincennes
I see Bud for
all the ways he's different from you. - Lynn
Don't start trying
to do the right thing boyo. You haven't had the practice. - Smith
Mr. Hudgens, is the key to every relationship. - Smith
Call it a hunch.
- Bud
Pull him off
me, Exley! - D.A. Ellis Loew
- I don't know how. - Ed Exley
Is that how you
used to run the good cop/bad cop? - Exley
You're the guy
who gets away with it. - Exley
Hold up your
badge so they know you're a policeman. - Smith
A hero - In this
situation, you'll need more than one. - Exley
Some men get
the world. Others get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona. - Lynn