russell crowe (1964- )
Flora Plum (2001)
Proof of Life (2000)
Gladiator (2000) .... Maximus Decimus Meridius
The Insider (1999) .... Jeffrey Wigand
Mystery, Alaska (1999) .... John Biebe
Breaking Up (1997) .... Steve
Heaven's Burning (1997) .... Colin
L.A. Confidential (1997)
... Bud White
No Way Back (1996) .... Zack Grant
Rough Magic (1995) .... Alec Ross
Virtuosity (1995) .... SID 6.7
The Quick and the Dead (1995) .... Cort
For the Moment (1994) .... Lachlan
The Sum of Us (1994) .... Jeff Mitchell
Love in Limbo (1993) .... Arthur Baskin
The Silver Brumby (1993) .... The Man
Romper Stomper (1992) .... Hando
Hammers Over the Anvil (1991) .... East Driscoll
Spotswood (1991) .... Kim Barry
Proof (1991) .... Andy
The Crossing (1990) .... Johnny
Prisoners of the Sun (1990) .... Lieutenant Corbett
TV Series
The Late Show (12/12/1992) .... Shirty, the Slightly Aggresive
Bear (#1.20)
Brides of Christ (1991) mini .... Dominic Maloney
Police Rescue (1990) .... Constable Tom 'Bomber' Young in "The
Right Stuff"
Neighbours (1985)