Categories this film falls into:
Dark Comedy
Just a Damn Fine Film
being john malkovich (1999)
The ultimate act of puppeteering.

I went with a good friend of mine to see this one its opening day in
Seattle. It was only showing at one theater. We stood in a line that
went all the way around the corner and down the block. It was cold and
wet. The theater was an old stage theater converted into a movie theater
- thus, the seats are close together and there are lots of them. Everyone
was packed in tight. It was an outstanding film experience.
The crowd was excited about seeing the film and it sparked this electricity
when it started. The film just kept getting better. I don't know that
I have enjoyed a film so much in the theater in such a long time. I
laughed out loud and thoroughly enjoyed myself. The concept is incredible
and I admire John Malkovich so much for being a part of it. Catherine
Keener, John Cusack and Cameron Diaz are all fantastic. I highly recommend
this film.
entire concept. Charlie Kaufman is a genius and John Malkovich is such
a good sport for going along with it. This was one of the first movies
in a long time where I actually laughed out loud in the theater.
John Cusack.
Catherine Keener.
John Malkovich.
Cusack as a
puppeteer. Yes, I know it's all part of the larger concept of Malkovich
being a puppet, blah, blah. But I still thought it was cool to ha ve
him actually be a puppeteer - films never have puppeteers.
The 7 1/2 floor.
The Malkovich
cam - what they see when they are in Malkovich. Very cool.
The New Jersey
Turnpike. I can't think of a more inspired place for them to drop. I
laughed so hard it hurt.
The cameos.
These are hilarious - I especially love Sean Penn talking about Malkovich
becoming a puppeteer. Priceless.
Abelard and
Heloise as a puppet show.
Craig's first
trip to the 7 1/2 floor. I love the lost look on his face and the woman
in the elevator knowingly looking at him - and her subsequent demonstration
of how to get to the 7 1/2 floor. 
Craig in the
waiting room - the whole misunderstanding with Floris about his name
and what he's saying.
Craig's interview
with Dr. Lester. The letter test - fabulous. The whole discussion of
speech impediments and Floris.
video of the origins of the 7 1/2 floor. This is just bizarre.
Maxine getting
into the elevator as Craig declares his love for her - he says he doesn't
even feel this way about his wife and she says "Ah" as the elevator
doors close.
The shot of
Craig squatting and looking into the portal - from inside the portal.
Very cool shot.
Craig's first
trip inside Malkovich - the cab driver who thinks he was in a jewel
thief movie - our introduction to the New Jersey Turnpike. The Malkovich
cam. This is
great stuff.
Maxine's visit
to Craig and Lottie's apartment - and the two of them going after her
while sitting on the couch.
Craig telling
Maxine about the portal. He says he doesn't know how he can live anymore
and she shows him the window. She would be perfect as the femme fatale
in a neo noir flick.
John Malkovich
using the services of JM, Inc. This is probably the most surreal part
of the film. What would it be like to travel into yourself through your
own portal? I love their vision of it: Everyone is Malkovich - the piano
singer, the waiters, the men, the women. Everyone is saying "Malkovich".
I love this film.
Elijah's childhood
trauma. This really cracked me up. 
Craig's dance
of despair and disillusionment as performed by John Malkovich. I mean,
when it was done with puppets, that's one thing, but to see him actually
perform it - it was very, very funny.
Malkovich going
into his agent's office to tell him he is now going to be a puppeteer
- and the agent taking everything in stride, says ok.
The ending scene.
You don't know
how lucky you are being a monkey because consciousness is a terrible
curse. I think. I feel. I suffer and all I ask in return I is the opportunity
to do my work and they won't allow it ... because I raise issues." -

Why do you do this to yourself, honey? - Lottie
- I'm a puppeteer. - Craig
I'm sorry. I
have no time for piddling suggestions from mumbling job applicants.
- Floris
You don't have
a speech impediment, Dr. Lester. - Craig
So, honey, have
you thought any more of us having a baby? - Lottie
So where do
you live and stuff? - Craig
You're not somebody
I could get interested in, Craig. You play with dolls. - Maxine
There's a tiny
door in my office, Maxine. It's a portal and it takes you inside John
Malkovich. You see the world through John Malkovich's eyes and then
after about 15 minutes, you're spit out onto a ditch on the side of
the New Jersey Turnpike. - Craig
I had a piece
of wood in my hand, Maxine. I don't have it anymore. Where is it? Did
it disappear? How could that be? Is it still in Malkovich's head? I
don't know. Do you see what a metaphysical can of worms this portal
is? - Craig
Don't stand
in the way of my actualization as a man. - Lottie
After dinner
I'll show you my puppets. - Craig
Well, you have
the Maxine action figure to play with.
- Lottie
What happens
when a man goes through his own portal? - Craig
That portal
is mine and it must be sealed forever for the love of God. - Malkovich
Larry, I want
to get right to the point: From now on, I'm no longer an actor. I'm
a puppeteer. - Malkovich