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Film Noir

in a lonely place (1950)

A Hollywood writer takes a coat-check girl home to read him a story...

Nicholas Ray

Dorothy B. Hughes (novel)
Andrew Solt
Edmund H. North (adaptation)

Burnett Guffey

Humphrey Bogart
Gloria Grahame
Frank Lovejoy
Art Smith
Carl Benton Reid

In A Lonely Place

This is one of those films that lends support to calling film noir more of a style than a genre - it doesn't have the dangerous leading lady like conventional noir, but the style is there - the shadows, the questions, the doubt, the filming. It's considered film noir because of its tone, look and style rather than its story. I think it's fantastic. Gloria Grahame and Humphrey Bogart are great together. Just look at her face - you know she's no push-over. And it's Bogart. You have to love him.

The basic plot: Bogart (Dixon Steele) is a writer who is under suspicion for the murder of a girl he invited to his apartment. Grahame (Laurel Gray) is the beautiful, yet somewhat mysterious neighbor who provides his alibi - but does she really trust him?


Humphrey Bogart. He has an incredible onscreen presence. What more can I say, Bogart is Bogart and any film is worth watching if it has him in it.
Gloria Grahame. She is beautiful and classy with a voice that gets inside you. The perfect complement in this film to Bogart.


Laurel Gray walking in between Mildred Atkinson and Dixon Steele as she makes her way to her apartment. The look between the her and Steele is fantastic.
Steele leading his agent to believe that he did commit the murder. Very funny.
Steele describing the murder to Nicolai and his wife - you have to love film noir's obsession with abnormal psychology.
Steele making breakfast for Gray - the conversation surrounding what a love scene should be. It's one of those scenes I will remember for a long time.
The final scene with the police calling - SPOILER.


What is the matter? Don't you like to talk anymore? - Frances Randolph
- Not to people who have my number. - Dixon Steele
I noticed him because he looked interesting. I like his face. - Laurel Gray
I said I liked it. I didn't say I wanted to kiss it. - Laurel
Go ahead and get some sleep and we'll have dinner together tonight. - Dixon
- We'll have dinner tonight - but not together. - Laurel
It was his story against mine, but of course, I told my story better. - Dixon
You annoy me. - Dixon
- If I do, it isn't intentional. - Laurel
Nobody can call me the things he did. - Dixon
- A blind, knuckle-headed squirrel. That's REAL bad. - Laurel
I came here because I wanted to say these things out loud and be laughed at - but you're not laughing. - Laurel
I loved the love scene. It's very good. - Laurel
- Well, that's because they're not always telling each other how much in love they are. A good love scene should be about something besides love. For instance, this one, me fixing grapefruit; you sitting over there dopey, half-asleep. Anyone looking at us could tell we were in love. - Dixon
I lived a few weeks while you loved me. - Laurel